Title: Cost of living vs savings in poland. How much can i save working in Poland. Discover your savings potential based on real wages and living costs in Poland – from housing to healthcare!
I want to help you understand how your earnings as a temporary worker in Poland compare to the actual cost of living here. Whether you’re planning to work in a big city like Warsaw or Kraków, or in a smaller town, understanding your potential savings is key to planning your future. Let’s dive into the details!


As we discussed in the previous post, your monthly income as a temporary worker in Poland can vary depending on how many hours you work and your qualifications. Here’s a quick recap based on the lowest possible hourly rate::

  • Standard schedule (8 hours/day, 5 days/week): 3170–3400 PLN net (approx. $760–820).

  • With overtime (10–12 hours/day, 6 days/week): 4670–5900 PLN net (approx. $1120–1340).

  • With qualifications (e.g., forklift operator): Up to 8000 PLN net (approx. $1880).

Cost of Living in Poland

Let’s see how far your earnings can go by comparing them to typical living expenses in Poland.

1. Housing 🏠

Big Cities (e.g., Warsaw, Kraków):

  • Studio apartment: 2000–3500 PLN/month.

  • Shared room in a flat: 900–1500 PLN/month.

  • Worker’s accommodation: 400–800 PLN/month.

  • Utilities: 500–800 PLN/month.

Smaller Towns:

  • Studio apartment: 1200–2000 PLN/month.

  • Shared room: 500–1000 PLN/month.

  • Worker’s accommodation: 300–600 PLN/month.

  • Utilities: 400–600 PLN/month.

💡 Tip: If you’re staying in worker’s accommodation, your housing costs can be significantly lower, but always check what’s included.

2. Food 🍎🍝

Big Cities:

  • Groceries: 500–800 PLN/month.

  • Eating out: 30–60 PLN/meal.

  • Coffee: 12–20 PLN.

Smaller Towns:

  • Groceries: 400–700 PLN/month.

  • Eating out: 20–40 PLN/meal.

  • Coffee: 8–15 PLN.

💡 Tip: Cooking at home and shopping at local markets can help you save on food costs.

3. Transportation 🚍

Big Cities:

  • Monthly public transport pass: 120–150 PLN.

  • Taxi ride (10 km): 25–50 PLN.

  • Gasoline: 6.50–7.50 PLN/liter.

Smaller Towns:

  • Local bus rides: 3–5 PLN/trip.

  • Gasoline prices are similar to big cities.

4. Healthcare 🏥

  • Public healthcare: Free if you’re registered with ZUS through your employer.

  • Private healthcare plans: 150–300 PLN/month.

  • GP visit (private): 150–300 PLN.

  • Specialist visit (private): 200–400 PLN.

💡 Tip: Private healthcare is a good option if you want to avoid waiting times in public clinics.

5. Miscellaneous Expenses 🛒

  • Clothing and personal items: 200–400 PLN/month.

  • Entertainment (e.g., cinema, gym): 100–300 PLN/month.

Savings Potential

Here’s how your monthly earnings can compare to typical expenses, including housing, food, healthcare, and miscellaneous costs:

Scenario 1: Standard Schedule (3170 PLN net)

  • Worker’s accommodation (through agency): 400 PLN.

  • Groceries (minimal spending): 400 PLN.

  • Public transport pass: 120 PLN.

  • Healthcare (private plan): 200 PLN.

  • Miscellaneous (clothing, personal items): 200 PLN.

  • Total expenses: 1320 PLN.

  • Savings: 1850 PLN (approx. $440).

Circural diagram for expenses and savings in poland. 58,4% Savings, 12,6% Housing, 12,6 Groceries, 3,8% Transport, 6,3% Healthcare, 6,3% Miscellaneous
Circural diagram for expenses and savings in poland. 58,4% Savings, 12,6% Housing, 12,6 Groceries, 3,8% Transport, 6,3% Healthcare, 6,3% Miscellaneous


Scenario 2: With Overtime (5000 PLN net)

  • Worker’s accommodation (through agency): 400 PLN.

  • Groceries (minimal spending): 400 PLN.

  • Public transport pass: 120 PLN.

  • Healthcare (private plan): 200 PLN.

  • Miscellaneous (clothing, personal items): 300 PLN.

  • Total expenses: 1420 PLN.

  • Savings: 3580 PLN (approx. $860).

Circural diagram for expenses and savings in poland. 71,6% Savings, 8% Housing, 8% Groceries, 2,4% Transport, 4% Healthcare, 6% Miscellaneous
Circural diagram for expenses and savings in poland. 71,6% Savings, 8% Housing, 8% Groceries, 2,4% Transport, 4% Healthcare, 6% Miscellaneous


Scenario 3: With Qualifications (8000 PLN net)

  • Worker’s accommodation (through agency): 400 PLN.

  • Groceries (minimal spending): 400 PLN.

  • Public transport pass: 120 PLN.

  • Healthcare (private plan): 200 PLN.

  • Miscellaneous (clothing, personal items): 400 PLN.

  • Total expenses: 1520 PLN.

  • Savings: 6480 PLN (approx. $1550).

Circural diagram for expenses and savings in poland. 81% Savings, 5% Housing, 5% Groceries, 1,5% Transport, 2,5% Healthcare, 5% Miscellaneous
Circural diagram for expenses and savings in poland. 81% Savings, 5% Housing, 5% Groceries, 1,5% Transport, 2,5% Healthcare, 5% Miscellaneous


Poland offers opportunities to save, whether you’re working standard hours or putting in overtime. Choosing worker’s accommodation, managing expenses carefully, and using resources like private healthcare wisely can help you save even more.

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