Title graphic: What Jobs Can You Get in Poland? A Simple Guide for Workers From Abroad! Subheading for Graphic: Find Your Path: Explore Poland's Top Job Opportunities! Few people sybbolising many work groups:: factory worker, old people nun, office worker. Looking to start your career in Poland? This guide will show you which industries are hiring, what to expect from different jobs, and how to make the most of opportunities here. From warehouse jobs to office roles, discover where you fit and how to succeed.
Looking to start your career in Poland? This guide will show you which industries are hiring, what to expect from different jobs, and how to make the most of opportunities here. From warehouse jobs to office roles, discover where you fit and how to succeed.

Hey, HireQapp family! 👋

Looking for work in Poland? You’re in the right place! 🇵🇱 Poland has lots of job openings, and many companies are ready to hire. Let me show you which jobs are available and how to start your career here. 🌍

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What Jobs Are Hiring in Poland?

📦 Warehouse, Factory, and Logistics Jobs

Starting your career in Poland is easiest with warehouse jobs. Choose agency, they will help with legal paperwork, housing, and transport. This saves you stress and money. 🚛 That’s why HireQapp was invented 😉

Many warehouses and logistics centers are growing fast and need new workers. Employers will welcome you with open arms! 🙌

What You Do: Pack and sort goods, use machines, check product quality.

Pay: 20–30 PLN gross per hour (3200–4800 PLN net monthly, about $770–1160).

Language: You don’t need Polish or English, but basic knowledge helps.

Training: You can quickly learn new skills, like driving a forklift or working in logistics. This can lead to better jobs or promotions!


🍽️ Restaurant and Service Jobs

If you’re friendly and don’t mind busy days, jobs in restaurants, cafes, or bars are a great choice.

What You Do: Serve customers, help in the kitchen, prepare meals.

Pay: Waitstaff: 18–25 PLN gross per hour + tips ($4.30–6.00). Chefs: 25–40 PLN gross per hour ($6.00–9.60).

Language: Knowing some Polish or English is very helpful.


🚗 Delivery and Driver Jobs

Do you have a driver’s license and a car? This is a flexible and well-paid option.

What You Do: Deliver food, drive passengers, or transport parcels.

Pay: 3000–6000 PLN net monthly ($720–1450), based on how much you work.

Flexibility: You choose your working hours.


💻 Office Jobs

If you have experience or education, office jobs are a great way to grow your career. Polish companies value problem-solving and creativity. Hard work can open doors to promotions!

What You Do: Customer service, finance, IT, or administration.

Pay: Beginners: 4000 PLN net ($960). Experts: over 10,000 PLN net ($2400).

Language: You’ll need Polish and English for most office jobs.


🏗️ Construction Jobs

Construction companies always need workers for new projects. You can also train for special jobs like crane operator or site manager.

What You Do: Build walls, install systems, or finish interiors.

Pay: 25–50 PLN gross per hour ($6.00–12.00).

For Who?: People ready for physical work, even in tough weather.


👴 Caregiver Jobs

Looking for a steady and meaningful job? Many families in Poland need help caring for elderly relatives.

What You Do: Help seniors with daily tasks, provide basic medical support.

Pay: From 3000 PLN net monthly ($720), with free housing in many cases.

Language: Basic Polish is often needed.

🏢 Starting Your Own Business

For many well-assimilated workers from abroad, starting their own business in Poland is a rewarding next step. Refugees from Ukraine, for example, often decide to open businesses like car repair workshops, beauty salons, massage studios, or small restaurants. The more people from your home country that settle in Poland, the stronger the community grows, creating a supportive network that often backs “their own” businesses. Poles, too, often enjoy using these services, appreciating their unique quality and cultural touch. With determination and support, turning your skills into a thriving business is very possible in Poland!


They Did It – So Can You! 🌟

Success in Poland comes from hard work and reliability. Employers notice workers who go the extra mile. Even if others aren’t as committed, showing determination will make you stand out. This can lead to raises, promotions, or new opportunities.

Here are a few inspiring stories:

Anna from Ukraine: Started in a warehouse and now runs her own nail salon in Piotrków Trybunalski. 💅

Ivan from Ukraine: Began as a warehouse worker. Now for over two and a half years, he creates videos and graphics for HireQapp, and runs his own small photo-video bussines. 🎥

Wiktoria from Ukraine: Started in a basic warehouse job and now leads a whole team! 💼

These stories show that with effort and support, anything is possible.

Download HireQ App for job offers, and get acces to better positions and full support by purchasing premium account.

Don’t forget to join our community on Facebook: HireQ App Society! Click here to join us.

Warm hugs,

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