Man holding Polish banknotes – Find the best time to work in Poland. Get top job offers with HireQ App!
Looking for the best time to work in Poland? Discover when job opportunities are highest, which industries are hiring, and how to plan your application process. Avoid low-demand periods and maximize your earnings with expert insights. Plus, get access to exclusive job market tips and premium content in the HireQ App!

Best Time to Find Work in Poland – Jobs, Salaries & Tips for Foreigners

If you’re planning temporary work in Poland, it’s important to know that demand for workers changes throughout the year. There aren’t always plenty of job offers, and winter can be a slower season – especially in warehouses and production. So, when is the best time to come to Poland to make sure you find work? And when should you avoid coming to prevent fewer working hours and lower wages? Find all the answers below!


📊 Job Market Trends in Poland – When Is the Best Time to Find Work?

According to data from the Central Statistical Office, labor market reports from the Ministry of Family and Social Policy, and research by the Polish Investment and Trade Agency, the following trends shape the job market in Poland:

  • During peak seasons (March-June, September-December), the number of available job offers increases by 30-50% compared to the low season.
  • The average number of working hours in peak season is 15-25% higher, leading to better earnings.
  • In the low season (January-February, July-August), job offers drop by up to 40%.

📅 When Are There the Most Job Opportunities in Poland?

The highest number of temporary job offers in Poland appears in two main periods:

🔹 Spring (March – June)

  • Companies prepare for increased demand in summer and pre-holiday shopping.
  • High demand for workers in food production, logistics, warehouses, and industry.
  • Increase in e-commerce orders (people shop more before summer).
  • Industries with increased demand:
    • Warehouses and distribution centers (preparing for the summer and tourism season).
    • Production (especially in food, chemical, and electronics sectors).
    • Agriculture (harvest season begins in orchards and plantations).

🔹 Autumn (September – December)

  • Pre-holiday boom – peak demand in e-commerce, warehouses, and production.
  • Retail sales surge – more workers needed in warehouses, delivery, packing, and sorting.
  • High demand for workers handling Black Friday (November) and Christmas sales (December).
  • Key industries hiring seasonal workers:
    • Logistics centers and courier companies.
    • Warehouses related to retail businesses.
    • Toy, holiday decoration, electronics, and clothing production.

📌 Best time to come to Poland? 👉 To catch the best job opportunities, follow current offers in HireQ App or contact trusted recruitment agencies. Peak season means especially high demand in sectors like warehousing, logistics, food production, e-commerce, and agriculture during harvest. If you have experience in these fields, you can expect more hours and higher wages.

March – June and September – November are the best periods to find work!


🔻 When Are There Fewer Job Offers? (Low Season)

❌ January – February

  • A slow period in warehouses and production. People buy less after the holidays, and companies reduce hiring.
  • Fewer job offers mean fewer working hours and lower earnings.
  • Companies cut overtime and reduce seasonal worker employment.

❌ July – August

  • A drop in job offers in some sectors – companies shut down production for summer maintenance, and some warehouses slow down.
  • People go on vacation, so recruitment is lower.
  • Work is available, but mostly seasonal (e.g., agriculture, hospitality near tourist destinations). Many students and young people take these jobs during summer breaks.
  • Industries still offering jobs:
    • Hotels, restaurants, and seasonal food services.
    • Agriculture (fruit and vegetable harvesting, farm work).

📌 Worst time to come to Poland?January – February and July – August – fewer working hours available, meaning lower earnings.


🕒 When to Apply for Temporary Work?

👉 Using apps like HireQ App can help you quickly find up-to-date job offers and check recruitment requirements in different industries.

The recruitment process and work permit requirements vary depending on your country of origin:

🌍 📌 EU Citizens

  • Can apply even the same day, as no additional work permits are needed. However, some industries may require extra documents, such as medical checks or health and safety training. If you apply through an agency, they will provide necessary training.
  • Recruitment typically takes a few days.

Read Step-by-step guide for citizens of the European Union 🇪🇺, the European Economic Area 🇮🇸 🇱🇮 🇳🇴, and Switzerland 🇨🇭! 


🇺🇦 📌 Ukraine

  • Can apply immediately, as they can work under a work assignment statement (without a long legalization process). This statement is valid for up to 24 months and must be registered by the employer with the labor office.
  • You can browse available job offers in recruitment apps like HireQ App or contact a temporary employment agency for the latest openings.

Read: Step-by-step guide for citizens of: 🇺🇦 Ukraine | 🇧🇾 Belarus | 🇬🇪 Georgia | 🇲🇩 Moldova | 🇦🇲 Armenia 


🌎 📌 Non-EU Countries (e.g., India, Philippines, Bangladesh, Uzbekistan)

  • Should apply 3-6 months in advance because:
    • A work permit is required (processing time: 1-3 months).
    • A visa is required (processing time: at least 2-3 months).
  • Best time to apply? ✅ If you want to start working in September – apply by June! ✅ If you want to start working in March – apply by December! ✅ If you are from the EU or Ukraine – you can apply on shorter notice (a few days to a few weeks in advance).

Read Step-by-step guide for citizens of 🇮🇳 India | 🇧🇩 Bangladesh | 🇨🇴 Colombia and other Non-EU/EEA countries


📌 How to Plan Your Arrival for Work in Poland – Best & Worst Times

👉 Looking for expert insights on working and living in Poland? HireQ App not only helps you find job offers but also provides access to detailed articles about work opportunities, legal procedures, and expat life in Poland. Premium content is available for those who want in-depth guidance!

👉 The best job opportunities are available through various sources, but if you want to apply quickly and easily, check out HireQ App. The app allows you to filter job offers by industry, location, and type of employment, making it easier to find the perfect match for your needs.

Best time for work: March – June, September – December.

Worst time for work: January – February, July – August.

Apply in advance: ➡ EU/Ukraine – same day or a few weeks ahead. ➡ Non-EU – at least 3-6 months in advance!



📢 FAQ – Working in Poland

Can I work in Poland without a visa?
✅ No, unless you are an EU citizen. Non-EU workers need a work permit and visa.

How long does it take to get a work permit in Poland?
✅ The process can take 1-3 months depending on the type of work permit.

What are the highest-paying jobs in Poland for foreigners?
✅ Logistics, IT, construction, and manufacturing usually offer competitive salaries.

Want to secure a job? Plan ahead and apply at the right time! 🚀

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