Figure holding scales, symbolizing fairness and employee rights in Poland. Learn about work contracts, health insurance, resolving legal disputes, and more with HireQ App's comprehensive guide for job seekers."
Navigating a new work environment can be challenging, especially in a foreign country. This guide provides essential information about employee rights and responsibilities in Poland, including practical advice on contracts, health insurance, and dealing with workplace issues. Perfect for job seekers looking to settle in Poland confidently!

📢 Guide to Employee Rights and Responsibilities in Poland – Practical Tips for Job Seekers Moving Here

Hi there! Poland offers plenty of job opportunities, but it’s important to understand your rights and responsibilities. Below is a simple yet comprehensive guide to help you navigate your new workplace environment. Let’s get started!


1. Your Rights as a Temporary Employee

Working Hours

  • The standard working time is 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week.
  • With overtime, the maximum is 48 hours per week.
  • Overtime must be compensated – you can earn up to 100% extra per hour!


  • Temporary employees are entitled to 2 days of leave for each full month worked.
  • If you work shorter periods, your leave is calculated proportionally.

Health Insurance (NFZ)

  • Every legally employed worker is covered by health insurance, giving you access to doctors, treatments, and hospitals free of charge.
  • Your employer is responsible for paying contributions to NFZ, ZUS, and other funds.

What to Do If You Have a Problem?

  • Contact the State Labour Inspectorate (PIP).
    Helpline: +48 801 002 006
  • In serious cases, you can file a claim with the Labour Court.


2. Your Responsibilities as an Employee (Including Migrants)

General Responsibilities

  • Perform your duties diligently – this is the foundation of every employment agreement.
  • Follow health and safety regulations (BHP) to protect yourself and others.
  • Provide your PESEL or NIP number – necessary for taxes and insurance.

Additional Responsibilities for Migrants

  • Ensure your stay and work are legal – you need a valid work permit or residence card.
  • Register your address – mandatory if you stay in Poland for over 30 days.
  • Remember to file your tax return (PIT) at the end of the year.


3. How to Protect Your Rights

  • Read your contract carefully before signing – check for details on salary, working hours, and leave.
  • Keep your documents safe – contracts, pay slips, and confirmations may come in handy.
  • Report irregularities – don’t hesitate to ask for help if something seems off.


4. Common Problems and Solutions

  • Delayed salary payments? Ask your employer for an explanation. If that doesn’t work, report the issue to PIP.
  • Working without a contract? All jobs in Poland must be legal and confirmed in writing. If not, it’s a violation of the law.
  • Unsafe working conditions? Protect your safety and report any issues.


5. Types of Contracts – What You Need to Know

  • Employment Contract – provides full employee rights, including insurance, paid leave, and overtime.
  • Temporary Work Contract – common in employment agencies:
    • Maximum 18 months with one employer within 36 months.
    • Leave and wages must comply with Polish law.
  • Service Contract (Umowa Zlecenie) – flexible, but no paid leave included.
  • Work Contract (Umowa o Dzieło) – for project-based work, without insurance.


7. Dealing with Harassment or Discrimination

If you experience unfair treatment, seek help from:


8. Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can my employer deduct housing costs from my salary?
    • Yes, but only with your consent and within certain limits.
  2. What if I get sick?
    • You’re entitled to sick pay, but you must provide a medical certificate (L4).
  3. Can I change my job?
    • Yes, but you need a new work permit for your new employer.


9. Documents to Prepare Before Starting Work

  • Identity card or passport.
  • Work permit or employer’s statement of employment.
  • Residence card (if applicable).
  • PESEL or NIP number.


A Few Tips for a Good Start in Poland

  1. Look for jobs through verified sources like agencies or job boards.
  2. Avoid illegal work – no contract means no protection.
  3. Research the cost of living in your area.
  4. Learn basic employment-related terms.
  5. Join local communities for advice and support.

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